Since March 2020, the Compendium of Cultural Policies & Trends actively monitors the developments regarding COVID-19 and the cultural field. Firstly, we mobilised our expert authors to gather country specific information on the implications for the sector and the current measures being taken, which resulted in 29 country reports. These reports were translated into a comparative overview of financial measures. Additionally, we have collected and curated online initiatives related to the cultural sector and beginning of the pandemic. In May 2020, we launched an interview series that examines the different dimensions of the role of artists, policy makers and the effects of COVID-19 on arts and culture in Europe. As cultural venues were slowly opening their doors again in June 2020, we also offered a comparative overview of reopening measures in different countries.
The Compendium monitoring cultural policy in times of COVID-19
The latest addition to our COVID-19 section is a list of resources, which features relevant publications and research on COVID-19 and the cultural sector. In contrast to our other COVID-19 subsections, this list will be updated continuously for the remainder of the year. Should you have any suggestions on new resources to add to the list, please contact the Compendium’s Coordinator Team.