A collection of statistical data from the Compendium countries, based on official data from national and international statistical offices and research by Compendium experts. This section is subdivided into six categories: Cultural infrastructure, Participation, Markets and prices, Employment, Funding and Resources.
Despite our best efforts to keep the tables continuously updated, currently this section is still a work in progress.
Cultural infrastructure
In this new statistical section, the Compendium monitors the European cultural infrastructure with collected data on the number of cinemas, theatres, museums, archives/cultural sites, libraries, galleries/exhibition halls and music schools in individual countries. An updated table with the numbers of cinema screens is online now and the remaining tables will follow shortly.
Based on data from different institutes, the Compendium presents tables on cultural participation in Europe. Currently, we have tables with the internet penetration rates, numbers of Facebook users and the amounts of cinema admissions. Participation tables regarding theatres, museums, cultural heritage, libraries, visual arts, cultural education and streaming services are under development.
Markets and prices
A collection of tables on European prices for cultural goods and services, the film market (including the feature film production per country and the market share of feature films), cultural imports, exports and trade balance. The cultural prices index (CUPIX) is updated every three years, when the OECD releases the new benchmark purchasing power parities (PPPs).
The data presented here give an overview of the public cultural expenditure in Europe, including the total government expenditure, the share of spending on culture by different levels of government and the share of spending that every sector receives. The funding tables are based on the Financing and support chapters from the Compendium country profiles.
This section features tables on cultural employment compared to total employment per European country, the share of self-employed in cultural and total employment, and the share of women in selected fields of employment (cultural employment and high-tech industry/knowledge-intensive services). All tables are based on data from Eurostat.
Additional data compilations and statistical frameworks, including information from the European Audiovisual Observatory, Eurostat, national statistical institutes and UNESCO.