The responsibilities of the state in the field of culture cover architecture, design, advertising, and other areas of activity, according to the Law on Culture (2012). Moreover, design works and architectural projects, parks and natural landscape objects, architectural monuments are classified as cultural property. Architectural, archaeological, cultural and historical, religious and secular monuments important for the national cultural heritage, and archaeological, natural areas and architectural complexes of historical and artistic interest and works of art are considered immovable cultural heritage. Copying of cultural values and their use for advertising purposes must comply with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Copyright and Related Rights requirements.
Negative building trends in the early 1990s had severe effects on the architectural and aesthetic quality of cities, towns, and settlements. It was the background to the Law on Architectural Activity (1998). The law set out to stop the downward slide caused by a lack of proper control, restore architectural harmony, and preserve the architectural heritage that, over the centuries, has given Azerbaijani cities their unique character.
The Urban Planning and Construction Code (2012) pays significant attention to landscape issues and provides that the protection of historical landscapes and cultural heritage sites, specially protected natural areas or facilities, must be ensured as part of urban planning and construction activities.
The Law on Advertising (2015) determines the legal basis of relations, control and regulation in order, production (preparation) and advertising distribution, and self-regulation in this field.
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