In Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement on cooperation in specific fields outside the four freedoms, the EFTA States of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein pledge to strengthen cooperation in the field of culture with the EU. LGBl. 1995 No. 068.131
Under the Government and Administration Organisation Ordinance (GAOO), cultural promotion, museums, stamps, national archives, libraries, monument protection and cultural asset preservation are assigned to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Culture. The Music School, the School of Fine Arts, the University and adult education are assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sport. LGBl. 2013 No. 163
The Culture Promotion Act (CuPA) regulates the state promotion of cultural creation by private individuals in literature, music, the performing and visual arts, audiovisual media as well as the preservation of local history and customs. LGBl. 2007 No. 290
The Liechtenstein Cultural Foundation Act (LCFA) regulates the tasks of the Foundation in accordance with the Cultural Promotion Act. The mandate of the Cultural Foundation is to develop artistic and cultural creation at a high level of quality through state funding. LGBl. 2007 No. 291
The Act on the Protection, Preservation and Maintenance of Cultural Assets (Cultural Assets Protection Act, CAPA) serves to implement the European Cultural Convention (1954), the European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (1992), the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (1985), the Convention of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954). LGBl. 2016 No. 270
With the Convention on the Protection of the Alps (Alpine Convention), Liechtenstein undertakes, among other things, to preserve and promote the cultural and social autonomy of the people in the Alpine region. LGBl. 1995 No. 186
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