Our comparative tables provide an overview of how cultural policy is organised and how particular issues are addressed in different countries. These tables are subdivided into the categories Diversity, International cultural cooperation and Funding and support, and the information is mainly derived from the Compendium profiles.
Despite our best efforts to keep the tables continuously updated, currently this section is still a work in progress.
The Compendium offers different tables on diversity and cultural policy in European countries. These tables show which measures are in place to support specific emancipation goals, but also how diversity and intercultural dialogue are handled in general.
International cultural cooperation
This section features a comparative overview of the national ministries in charge of international cultural cooperation, the bodies or agencies that promote international cultural relations, relevant memberships and recent priorities and trends.
Funding and support
The policies and measures of national governments in Europe are compared in tables on book market support, private sector sponsorship, social security and self-employed artists. All tables are based on chapters from the Compendium country profiles.