It is a longstanding goal of modern Swedish cultural policy that it should increase access to culture for everyone living in Sweden; both through access to culture of high quality and by enabling more people to practice cultural and artistic activities. Hence, participation and social cohesion can be considered to be at the very core of Swedish cultural policy. In the present objectives of Swedish cultural policy this goal is formulated in the statement that “Everyone should be able to participate in cultural life”, and that cultural policy should “promote everyone’s opportunity to cultural experiences, cultural education, and to develop their creative capabilities” and “especially notice the right to culture of children and the young.” (Government bill 2009/10:3).
Integration policy aims to support equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for everyone, irrespective of ethnic and cultural background; social cohesion built on diversity; social development characterized by mutual respect, irrespective of background, (should participate and share a sense of community). These objectives cover all of public policy, including cultural policy. Ethnic and cultural diversity is the point of departure for shaping general policies in all sectors and at all levels of society. High priority is, in many policy documents, given to addressing segregation in Swedish society, as well as to efforts to combat racism, xenophobia, and ethnic discrimination. Integration efforts focus on creating opportunities that enable individuals to economically support themselves and participate in society, safeguarding basic democratic values and working to secure equal rights and opportunities for women and men. In the last few years, Swedish language and culture have been increasingly emphasized in policies on the integration of immigrants.
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