The Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage runs the “Accessible Culture” grant programme. The strategic goal of the programme is to support facilitating access to culture, aimed at a wide audience and favouring social integration. These activities should serve to achieve real, systemic and long-term effects in eliminating barriers to access to culture in the following dimensions: spatial, economic, socio-mental and competence, with particular emphasis on the needs of people from localities deprived of direct access to cultural goods and people with special needs, including disabled people.
Third sector organisations play a significant role in facilitating access to culture for disabled people. It is impossible to list all the events and organizations involved in facilitating access to culture for people with disabilities. Foundations such as the Foundation of Culture Without Barriers prepare and disseminate cultural events, texts, movies etc. to people with disabilities. Various cultural outings are organised by the No Barriers Foundation, which also checks the accessibility of cultural institutions for people with disabilities. The Full Culture Foundation is involved in organising events for people with disabilities, such as the Week of People With Disabilities, fairs and picnics.
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