
Home Forums 1. Welcome forum

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  • #9909
    Sabine Zwart

    Welcome to the forum of the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. The function of this forum is to facilitate knowledge exchange between the Compendium’s expert authors. Keeping each other updated about recent developments, sharing best practices and asking questions about writing the cultural policy profiles — these are just a few examples of what the forum can be used for. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the forum, please contact the Service Provider Team via This is the trial stage, so we are more than open to suggestions on how to change certain elements.

    Some practicalities:

    – Currently, there are four main sections: Country profiles, Statistics, Annual Assembly and Other (which includes the topic on COVID-19). Within every section, expert authors can start their own topic of discussion. If there is need for an additional section, please let the Service Provider Team know.
    – The Service Provider Team (Janina Pigaht and Sabine Zwart) are the moderators of the forum and will be available for questions on the forum as well. However, important announcements or questions from the Service Provider for the expert authors will be distributed via email.
    – It is not possible to upload documents, but you can add a link to the document. If this is not an option, please send the document to the Service Provider Team and we will upload it in the internal media library of and provide a link.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Sabine Zwart.

    This is great! Thank you!


    Hi, thank you for that.

    In the Czech Republic we have done in last days questionnaire about impact of crisis in independent sector.
    I am enclosing the results:

    Short version:

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