Watch on our Youtube channel the interesting discussions from the Compendium WebTalk on "The Brexit and its impacts on the cultural sector" with the following guests: Rod Fisher, Lecturer at... read more →
On the 4th November, the Compendium will start its first Webtalk with the special topic "The Brexit and its impacts on the cultural sector". A major consequence of Brexit is... read more →
The Compendium and its entire experts community congratulate Rod Fisher for being the 2021 ENCATC Fellowship Award Laureate. Rod Fisher, being a Compendium expert for the UK for more than... read more →
Our experts from France (Thomas Perrin) and the United Kingdom (Rod Fisher) updated their COVID-19 reports. In France, the government has supported the cultural sector with approximately EUR 5 billion... read more →
This past week, we have updated our COVID-19 reports from the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. The most significant development has been the additional EUR 1.75 billion for the cultural... read more →
Our COVID-19 section now features 23 country reports, with Greece and Latvia as the latest additions. In Greece, the Ministry of Culture and Sports announced a EUR 15 million support... read more →
We have published the updated cultural policy profile of the United Kingdom. Currently, the profile only includes updated information on England and Wales, as updates for Scotland and Northern Ireland... read more →
Our section on COVID-19 and its impact on the cultural sector has been extended with reports from Croatia, France, North Macedonia, Malta, Spain and the United Kingdom, and an update... read more →