There are different federations and associations in Flanders and Brussels that represent the voice and interests of artists or (arts) organisations, such as NICC, State of the Arts (SOTA), De Acteursgilde, ArtistsUnited, VAV, De Scenaristengilde, oKo, MuziekOverleg, Sociare, RAB/BKO, or cult!. Some federations and associations active in the field were or still are directly funded by governments (on various levels). In its previous term, the Flemish government has spoken out against this form of support. Former Minister of Culture Sven Gatz stated in his Policy Memorandum (2014-2019) that the government should not intervene in affairs of advocacy.[1]
The Belgian labour unions ACV, ABVV and ACLVB have divisions focussing on the cultural sector. Labour unions receive public support through regulations of labour and employment (on the Federal level).
[1] Gatz, Sven. 2014. ‘Beleidsnota 2014-2019. Cultuur’, 48.
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