Apart from the general constitutional regulations and to the Labour Law (see chapter 4.1), there are no fixed legal provisions for the fields of music and theatre. The practical organisation of work in this domain is regulated through individual contracts between the authorities in charge of a facility or company and its manager (“Intendant”). Contracts are then drawn up between the facilities and the artistic and other staff members along the lines of general wage agreements such as the Normal Contract Stage, which summarises the main terms of employment of the different artistic groups working in a theatre.
For the music schools, the general legal basis is the state supervision of the school system. In addition, the following federal states have their own Music School Acts: in Brandenburg (since 2000, amendment 2016) and in Saxony-Anhalt (since 2006). In Thuringia, a “Law on the Recognition and Promotion of Music and Youth Art Schools in the Free State of Thuringia” has been under parliamentary discussion since autumn 2021, as it is in the federal state of Hessen. In other federal states there are special legal provisions within the framework of other education laws, such as the Youth Education Act (Baden-Württemberg) or the School Act (in Berlin).
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