In Lithuania, there are 60 municipalities (local self-government). A municipality (Lith. savivaldybė) is a unit of State territory, a community with a right to local (municipal) self-government guaranteed by the Constitution and exercised through the Municipal Council and through executive and other municipal institutions and bodies that are formed by the Municipal Council and are accountable to it. The Council is elected by residents of the administrative unit concerned. The municipality is a public legal entity headed by the mayor.
The local authorities have a right to establish committees (boards) to deal with cultural policy issues. Many municipalities have units or special staff responsible for cultural management, financing and maintenance of local cultural institutions and cultural heritage. Many of these units, along with culture, are responsible for the management of tourism, youth affairs, and community leisure politics. Some municipalities provide online information about the activities of these units, but there is no common data system showing how many of these departments exist in Lithuanian municipalities and what functions they perform.
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