In view of the specificities of the country and as developed in chapter 2.5.1, intercultural dialogue and openness to cultural diversity are related directly to the Luxembourg model of society. This also translates into the educational system, considering that 1) 60% of students entering primary school are of foreign origin, and that 2) Luxembourg pupils learn at least three foreign languages as part of their schooling, literacy starting in German. Education to diversity thus begins at school.
Nevertheless, one of the main conclusions of the National Education Report 2021 of the University of Luxembourg was that “the current school system does not take into account the social and cultural diversity of the country in a comprehensive way.” Thus, “for example, we continue to rely to a large extent on literacy in German alone. The multicultural and increasingly multilingual school population is only insufficiently prepared for the acquisition of written skills in this foreign language, German. (…) This is why it will be necessary to observe in the future whether and to what extent international public schools manage to manage diversity successfully. Corresponding studies are currently being carried out, and the next education report will provide for the first time empirically based conclusions in this regard. (…) In addition, pupils from socio-economically disadvantaged homes, speaking none of the languages of instruction at home or attending one of the two streams of general secondary education (ESG) are particularly vulnerable in the Luxembourg school system.”[1]
The 2018-2023 government program already stipulates that “(…) public school must continue to open up to the diversity of the population by adapting its educational and school offer to the real needs of the students. The promotion of equal opportunities remains a guiding principle that will characterize government action in the years to come. Care will be taken to give each child a fair chance to succeed and build their future. (…) In order to allow the education system to progress significantly, it is essential to take into account the specificities of the country. In compliance with the general quality objectives to be achieved, schools will be encouraged to develop approaches and concepts based on the evolution and diversity of our society.”[2] To that regard, the government agreed in May 2022 to launch a pilot project for literacy in French in four primary schools during the 2022/2023 school year.
Luxembourg also offers international private schools, as well as six European schools to be able to integrate pupils of different mother tongues into a single school. Other educational structures also offer public international programs, such as the international baccalaureate at the Lycée Athenée.
To further promote the commitment of civil society in education and make education a collective responsibility, the government created UP Foundation in 2018, the first citizen platform for exchange, pooling and support for education. A private law foundation, UP foundation “initiates all kinds of cooperation with the most diverse partners to find innovative and creative solutions. The motto that drives it: let’s unite to act better![3] One of its key missions is “to assert the right of everyone to quality education and to work towards equal opportunities”.[4]
The platform, launched by the Service de coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques SCRIPT of the ministry of Education, Children and Youth, in cooperation with the ministry of Culture, offers a range of cultural projects that aim to develop cultural education and the promotion of culture at school and to support initiatives with a cultural vocation.
[1] Thomas Lenz, Susanne Backes, Sonja Ugen, Antoine Fischbach (2021) Prêt pour l’avenir ? Le 3e rapport sur l’éducation au Luxembourg, p.12
[2] Les partis de la coalition DP, LSAP et déi gréng (2018) Accord de coalition 2018-2023, p.55-56
[3] Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (2018) UP FOUNDATION un coup de cœur pour l’éducation, p.2
[4] Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse (2018) UP FOUNDATION un coup de cœur pour l’éducation, p.3
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