The KEP also welcomes political efforts to adapt the physical environment to allow as many people as possible to participate equally in culture, regardless of any physical or mental disabilities. However, “to be successful, accessibility must be considered in a plural way”.[3] To this end, several works have been initiated by the ministry of Culture in the framework of the implementation of the current Cultural development plan (KEP) to develop accessibility to culture for people with special needs.
At the associative level, the Info-Handicap federation brings together some 55 organisations of and for people with disabilities in various fields, including some players in the cultural sector, such as the Coopérations association, an association for the promotion of integrated creative projects, and the Fondation EME, created on the initiative of the Philharmonie Luxembourg, whose inclusive programmes are at the crossroads of social action, music and culture.
[3] Kulturentwécklungsplang eBook 1.0 – Septembre 2018, Volume 1, p.157
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