The Moldovan model of Cultural Policy is based on the strong influence of the state on cultural institutions and their activity. For years, the state tried to maintain and to revive the the infrastructure that remained as a legacy from the Soviet period, using resources for culture inefficiently. The state did not invest in human capital which has to manage this infrastructure in the new conditions of the market economy. As a result, we have an underdeveloped cultural infrastructure: institutions with weak management capacity and an acute shortage of skilled human resources.
Some signs of democratisation such as decentralisation and the combination with market mechanisms appeared through the establishment of new agencies such as: the State Enterprise “Impresarios Agency”, State Agency for Morality Protection, Agency of Inspection and Restoration of Monuments, National Centre of Folk Arts, and the National Archaeological Agency. Thus, a substantial part of public responsibilities were transferred to these institutions, but the role of the civil society still remains underestimated and unappreciated.
Recently, the Ministry of Culture has developed the Decentralisation Programme of the Cultural Sector, which aims to strengthen the financial, institutional and management autonomy, establishes the powers and responsibilities of the cultural sector management, the central and local public authorities of the I and II level. Thus, the following powers were delegated to the local public authorities of level I and II: patrimony, planning, development and management of infrastructure necessary for cultural activities. They will ensure management of cultural institutions from the regions through rayon / municipal specialised bodies (cultural departments, divisions, services).
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