To date, there are no government programmes to support trans-national intercultural dialogue in Moldova.
Until 2001, the former Ministry of Culture supported artistic productions (literature, artistic performances and poetry recitals) in the Ukrainian regions of Odessa and Cernauti, which are mainly populated by Romanian speakers. It has also offered assistance to cultural associations of Moldovans in the Russian Federation.
The Diaspora Relations Bureau (DRB) launched or supported financially cultural programmes in 9 cycles of cultural and artistic events, both in the Diaspora and in the Republic of Moldova, in about 40 cities in Europe, the Middle East and the USA. The events involved around 30 000 people, with 7 000 books and other information materials being dispersed. For developing dialogue with the Diaspora and in order to consolidate the capacities of the associations of Moldovans who live abroad, the DRB maintains relations with 200 Diaspora associations in 30 countries. The DRB distributed over 500 books to the cultural centres in 10 countries and assured logistic support for transporting 4 000 books from the Diaspora to the Republic of Moldova.
There are no funds and programmes available for specific trans-national activities for young people in the Republic of Moldova. On the other hand, there are many non-governmental organisations, foundations and associations which have specialised programmes contributing to the development of young people, including artists: the Centre for Cultural Policies, the Centre for Contemporary Art KSA:K, “Contact” Centre (with branches in Balti, Cahul, Comrat and Soroca), Soros Foundation, Centre for Youth Development, NGO Junior Achievement, International Centre of Modern Languages, Association ARS DOR, “Oberliht”, German Cultural Centre AKZENTE, Theatre “Spălătorie”, “Unlimited music” associations etc.
The Centre for Contemporary Art KSA:K, in partnership with Cathedra UNESCO of the South-East European Studies of the Moldova State University, organised a workshop on creative writing for artists – “Continuities of the Socialist Modernity”, while from 24-26 April 2013 a Workshop “Mapping of Mobility: Nodes of Transitions and Meetings” was also organised.
ARS DOR is an Arts and Professional Development Centre that provides consulting, training and capacity building programmes for the cultural sector of the Republic of Moldova. In this respect, ARS DOR Association contributes to developing and implementing cultural policies, by initiation of advocacy campaigns and lobbying, and by carrying out research and developing analytical studies in the cultural field. At the same time, ARS DOR consults institutions from the cultural field in developing strategic development plans, providing trainings in cultural management and marketing, cultural mapping, project management, fundraising, etc.
The Soros Foundation Moldova has supported a large number of trans-national projects in theatre, visual arts, contemporary music, dance, choreography and literature over recent decades. The Soros Foundation Moldova played a key role in the implementation of the three-year Pilot-Project “Reinforcing Moldova’s Development Capacities by Strengthening its Cultural Sector“, acting as the partner of the European Cultural Foundation (see chapter 2.9).
Intercultural dialogue: actors, strategies, programmes
In 2014 the Government of Moldova has proposed developing the National Strategy “Diaspora – 2025”. This document will set the general framework for ensuring coherence of state policy on the diaspora and implementing a shared vision of the government in this field. For the first time in the history of independency of the Republic of Moldova, the diaspora component is approached horizontally by the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The body responsible for developing the National Strategy “Diaspora – 2025” is the Diaspora Relations Bureau of the State Chancellery, which has the task of ensuring a coherent and comprehensive policy for the Moldovan diaspora through coordination of state policy in the field, consultation over government policies with diaspora associations, Moldovan diaspora consolidation, development, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes for the diaspora, and providing necessary assistance to the Prime-Minister on policies for Moldovan Diaspora.
The Interethnic Relations Bureau is another body of the central public authority responsible for implementing the national policy in the field of inter-ethnic relations and language functioning. The Department of International Relations, European Integration and the Diaspora specialises in policies on multicultural inter-ethnic relations.
The Interethnic Relations Bureau co-operates with the Ministry of Culture (on intercultural issues) and the Ministry of Education (on inter-linguistic activities). The House of Nationalities co-ordinates the organisation of different national inter-cultural events and programmes: exhibitions, contests, festivals. It reports to the Department’s cultural and documentation centre for public inter-cultural organisations.
Over 78 inter-cultural and inter-educational NGOs that represent Moldova’s ethnic groups are associated with the Department for Ethnic Relations. They make a significant contribution to the preservation, development and expression of their respective cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic identity. These associations usually organise local (municipal) intercultural events.
The Centre for Minority Issues brings a significant contribution to inter-educational policy, with its bilingual (Russian and Romanian) informational publication “EtnoDialog”. The magazine is edited in the framework of the project “The Prevention of Inter-ethnical conflicts through educational integration policies” and with the support of the international organisation CORDAID.
On May 17-21 2013, a national team from the Republic of Moldova participated in the Youth Delphic Games of the CIS member states, which were held in Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
Over 80 ethno-cultural organisations representing 30 ethnic groups from the Republic of Moldova presented their culture and traditions in the frames of the 14th edition of the Ethnic Festival held on 21 September 2014 in the public Garden Stefan cel Mare si Sfant in Chisinau. The event is organised annually by the Bureau of Inter-ethnic Relations in collaboration with the Mayor Hall of Chisinau Municipality.
The VI Congress of the Moldovan Diaspora was held on 1-3 September 2014 in Chisinau, attended by 145 delegates from over 28 countries. The congress was a good opportunity to dialogue, and to establish new projects for diaspora organisations that promote the cultural image of the Republic of Moldova. The Government Strategy on diaspora – “Diaspora 2025” was presented in the frames of the congress. The event aimed to strengthen relations between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and migrants from Moldova abroad through dialogue on the most pressing issues of common interest and also mechanisms of involvement and contribution of migrants to their country of origin, applying the experience gained abroad.
It is estimated that up to 600 000 Moldovans are living abroad. According to the data for the years 2005-2012 analysed in the Report on Extended Migration Profile, there is a steady annual emigration of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, indicating involvement in migration processes by about a quarter/up to a third of the working population.
According to the same Report, remittances made by individuals through banks during 2012 constituted 1.494 billion USD, which represents an increase by 2.2 times compared to 2005 and attained in 2008 the maximum rate of 1.66 billion USD, representing 27.4% of GDP. According to the World Bank estimates, the flow of remittances achieved historical peak in 2007 with a remarkable share of 36% of GDP. Most migrants leave the country for economic reasons as the Republic of Moldova is the poorest country in Europe and is ranked 113 out of 187 countries is the world, included in the 2013 Human Development Index.
The International Organisation for Migration launched a Call for Proposals for Diaspora Associations and initiative groups under the Diaspora Small Grants Mechanism, in order to support the communication between Diaspora associations and migrants in their host countries, to develop existing or create new ways of communication between the Republic of Moldova and migrants abroad, to create service platforms for migrants in host countries and to strengthen the institutional capacities of Diaspora associations and initiative groups. The total amount of support will be EUR 50 000 or a maximum of EUR 5 000 per project.
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