Péter Inkei

Director Budapest Observatory

Péter Inkei is the director of the Budapest Observatory: Regional Observatory on Financing Cultural in East-Central Europe. As a non-profit organisation, it conducts comparative projects on issues of cultural policy and planning. Inkei has done consultancy in various fields of cultural policy, among others for the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the Open Society Institute and the World Bank. He also served on the board of Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe (CIRCLE) as well as the LabforCulture of the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). Previously, he had held various positions in the civil service, including deputy State Secretary for Culture.

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Luca Kristóf


Luca Kristóf, PhD is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest. Her main research interests include elite studies,cultural policy, political sociology, cultural and sustainable consumption, and social stratification and integrationHer monograph on the Hungarian cultural elite, published in 2021, won the Polányi Prize of the Hungarian Sociological Society. In addition to numerous journal articles and book chapters in Hungarian, she has published in international journals such as Poetics, the International Journal of Cultural Policy and East European Politics and Societies. She is a Patronus Teacher at the Széchenyi College for Advanced Studies, editor of, the online journal of the CSS Institute of Sociology, and reporter for the CSS’s scientific dissemination podcast.


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