Vesna Copic


Vesna Copic graduated from the Faculty of Law and obtained her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. In 1991, she published "Elements for the Shaping of the National Cultural Policy". Her second book on cultural policy was a joint effort with Gregor Tomc and Michael Wimmer entitled "Cultural Policy in Slovenia", published by Council of Europe 1997. The following year she edited together with Gregor Tomc, a compilation of texts on the subject titled Cultural Policy in Slovenia - a Symposium.

Throughout the 90s, she prepared legislation in the sphere of culture for the Ministry of Culture. In 1995 she participated in an international group of experts of the Council of Europe evaluating the culture policy of Italy and in 1999 she was engaged as a legal expert in the Thematic study on "Desetatisation and Privatisation of National Cultural Institutions in Transition". She participates as an expert in the MOSAIC program of Council of Europe providing the technical assistance to South East Europe region and in the program of ECF Towards New Cultural Policies.

She publishes in scientific journals at home and abroad. Her principal interests are public governance and cultural policy. She is an assistant lecturer of cultural policy and cultural management in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University in Ljubljana.

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Andrej Srakar

Research assistant

Andrej Srakar, PhD (Economics), PhD candidate (Mathematical Statistics), University of Ljubljana. He is a research associate at the Institute for Economic Research (IER), an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana and the co-editor of the Review of Economics and Economic Methodology (REEM). His main research interests are: cultural economics, management, policy and entrepreneurship, mathematical statistics, econometric theory, macroeconomics, economics of ageing. Srakar is the author of the first Slovenian monograph on cultural economics and the lead organiser of several international events in cultural economics in Slovenia. He was a Fulbright scholar at Indiana University Bloomington, USA (2011/12). Furthermore, a co-author of research reports for European Commission, European Parliament and EENC, and he was published in Journal of Cultural Economics, Cultural Trends, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Poetics, IJAM, Journal of Knowledge Management, European Planning Studies and Géographie et cultures. He is the lead author of a chapter for De Gruyter (2015) and chapters for IGI Global (2017), Springer Verlag (2017), Edward Elgar (2018) and Routledge (2018; 2019), and the co-editor of a special issue of Journal of Cultural Heritage (2018).

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Nika Gričar

Independent researcher

Nika Gričar holds BA in Cultural Studies and MA in Public Administration with field of specialization in public governance and film policy. She is an author of several research reports, among them recently published on Gender Equality in Slovenian film sector (2018). As an independent researcher, she was commissioned to deliver a study on decision-making processes in European film funds and developed a methodology for project evaluation for Slovenian Film Centre. In 2017, she assisted UNESCO legal expert in the Status of Artist Legislation Project and accompanied dr. Vesna Čopič in two field missions in Mauritius. Previously, she collaborated in research of the cinematograph’s historical development and the digitization of the art cinema network in Slovenia. Her research paper on measuring cultural diversity, with co-author dr. Andrej Srakar, was selected for presentation at the 6th workshop on managing arts and cultural organizations in Oxford (2018). In addition to her research engagement, she is self-employed in culture, working as a film producer and developing strategies for broader audience reach.


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