Simon Leenknegt


Simon Leenknegt is part of the research and development team of Flanders Arts Institute, the interface organisation for professional performing arts, visual arts and classical music in Flanders and Brussels, Belgium. Holding an MA in Art History, he was researcher at the department of Theatre Studies at Ghent University and worked in the field of cultural heritage. He has published on topics such as the the distribution of the arts in Flanders and abroad, the socio-economic position of artists, financial structures of arts organisations, developments in cultural policy in Flanders and the art market.

Leenknegt is our expert author for Flanders.

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Until 2018, Joris Janssens, Delphine Hesters and Nikol Wellens prepared the text for the Flemish Community (based on prior material by Els Baeten, Hilde Billiet and Bart Van Der Herten), Isabelle DeVriendt and France Lebon for the French Community, and Edith Bong for the German-speaking Community. 

Emilie Tondreau

Policy officer

Since 2015, Emilie Tondreau has been a policy officer in the international relations service, part of the General Administration of Culture of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

Previously, Tondreau worked as a lawyer in a law firm specializing in property law and urban planning. She also worked as an administrative and financial manager of cultural projects within the Fondation Mons 2015 (European Capital of Culture).

Tondreau graduated in Law and History of Art from the University of Louvain.

Tondreau is our expert author for Wallonia.

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Jean-Gilles Lowies

Jean-Gilles Lowies is researcher at the Observatory of Cultural Policies in the french-speaking Belgian Ministry of Culture since 2010. He is professor at the Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, lecturer at the Department of Media, Culture & Communication of the University of Liège and at the Cultural Management program at Free University of Brussels, and visiting professor at the UCLouvain. He is graduated in drama, holds a master’s degree in political sciences and in cultural management and a PhD in information and communication. His recent research interests include the decision-making process of cultural policies, the economic impact of culture, the history of cultural policies in Belgium, the social status of the artist. He is currently cultural advisor to the government of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.


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