7. Financing and support


This chapter contains tables and descriptions regarding public funding (including the expenditure per sector and that at government level), private funding and support programmes such as artists’ funds and grants.
  7.1. Public funding
+7.1.1. Indicators
+7.1.2. Expenditure on government level
+7.1.3. Expenditure per sector
  7.2. Support programmes
+7.2.1. Strategies, programmes and other forms of support
+7.2.2. Artist's funds
+7.2.3. Grants, awards, scholarships
+7.2.4. Support to professional artists' associations or unions
+7.3. Private funding


1. Cultural Policy System

Read Profile

2. Current cultural affairs

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3. Cultural & creative sectors

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4. Law & legislation

Read Profile

5. Arts & cultural education

Read Profile

6. Participation & consumption

Read Profile

7. Financing & support

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