On the country homepage, you can read the profile chapters, quick facts and download PDF’s.
Current policy
Van Engelshoven, Ingrid. Uitgangspunten cultuurbeleid 2021-2014. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Cultur and Science, 2019.
Van Engelshoven, Ingrid. Culture in an open society. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2018. [Vision statement 2021-2024]
International cultural policy 2021-2014. The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2019.
Bína, Vladimír et al.: Netherlands EGMUS country-report update 2013. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Broek, van der, Andries: The Netherlands: Nation of Art-lovers? [Kunstminnend Nederland. Interesse en bezoek, drempels en ervaringen]. The Hague: Social and cultural Planning Office, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Culture Moves. The meaning of Culture in a changing society [Cultuur Beweegt: De Betekenis van cultuur in een veranderende samenleving]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Hoofdlijnenbrief emancipatiebeleid 2013-2016 [Emancipation policy outline 2013-2016]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Kamerbrief Cultuurstelsel 2017-2020 [The Cultural Infrastructure 2017-2020]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Strength through Cooperation [Samen Werken, Samen Sterker]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Council for Culture: Recommendation for cuts to the culture budget 2013-2016: Necessary choices [Advies bezuinigingen voor de Cultuur 2013-2016: Noodgedwongen keuzen]. The Hague: Council for Culture, 2011.
Council for Culture: Succeeding in culture [Slagen in Cultuur: De culturele basisinfrastructuur 2013-2016]. The Hague: Council for Culture, 2011.
Dekker, Sander: Action plan for a foresight study of the public media system [Toekomstverkenning mediabeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Douw & Koren: Crowdfunding groeit explosief: 14 miljoen euro opgehaald in 2012 [Explosive growth of crowdfunding: 14 million EUR collected in 2012]. http://www.douwenkoren.nl, 2013.
DSP-group: Bezuinigingen van gemeentes en provincies op kunst en cultuur [Municipal and provincial budget cuts on culture]. Amsterdam: 2011.
ESS-net CULTURE: European Statistical System on Network on Culture: Final Report. Luxembourg, 2012.
Hagenaars, Piet & Hoorn, van, Marjo: Cultuureducatie met kwaliteit 2013-2016 [Culture education with quality 2013-2016] in: Kunstzone 6. Almelo: 2013.
Heimans, Hans et al.: Ruimte voor Amateurkunst. Voorzieningen voor kunstbeoefening 2013 [Research on facilities for the amateur arts].Utrecht: LKCA 2013.
Kunstfactor: Onderzoek vrijwilligers in de amateurkunst [Research on volunteers in the amateur arts sector]. Utrecht: Kunstfactor, 2013.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: Cultuur in Beeld 2013 [Picturing Culture 2013]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: The Dutch Cultural System [Het Nederlands Cultureel Bestel]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment & Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: Choosing for Character [Kiezen voor karakter, Visie erfgoed en ruimte]. The Hague: 2011.
The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences: Focus op Toptalent, sectorplan hbo kunstonderwijs 2012-2016 [Focus on top talent]. The Hague: Vereniging Hogescholen 2011.
Plasterk, Ronald: Art for Life's Sake: Dutch cultural policy outline [Kunst van Leven: Hoofdlijnen cultuurbeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2007.
Plasterk, Ronald et al.: Administrative Agreement on Frisian Language and Culture 2013-2018 [Bestuursovereenkomst Friese taal en cultuur 2013-2018]. The Hague: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2013.
Rosenthal, Uri & Zijlstra, Halbe: Kamerbrief met visie op internationaal cultuurbeleid [Policy letter on international cultural policy]. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2012.
Schuyt, Theo & Bekkers, René: Geven in Nederland 2013 [Philantropy in the Netherlands 2013] in: Cultuur in Beeld 2013. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 2013.
Smithuijsen, Cas: Cultuur en Beleid in Nederland [Culture and Policy in the Netherlands] in: Handboek Cultuurbeleid. Amsterdam: Reed Business, 2013.
SPOT: Alles over tijd: Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2012 [Pastime research 2012] . Amstelveen: SPOT, 2012.
Vinkenburg, Bastiaan: Trendbreuk in rijksuitgaven kunst en cultuur [Trend breaks in public cultural expenditure] in: Boekman 95. Amsterdam: Boekmanfoundation, 2013.
Vinkenburg, Bastiaan: Directe subsidies voor kunsten, erfgoed en media [Subsidies for the arts, cultural heritage and media] in: Boekman 97.Amsterdam: Boekmanfoundation, 2013.
Zijlstra, Halbe: More than Quality; A new vision on cultural policy [Meer dan Kwaliteit; Een nieuwe visie op cultuurbeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2011.
Zijlstra, Halbe et al.: General Framework for intergovernmental relations with respect to culture [Algemeen kader interbestuurlijke verhoudingen cultuur OCW, IPO, VNG]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012.
Zijlstra, Halbe: Cultural Entrepreneurship Programme (2012-2016) [Kamerbrief over programma ondernemerschap cultuur]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012.
Cultural policy making bodies
Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG)
http://www.vng.nl (Dutch only)
Central Government
Council for Culture
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW)
Interprovincial coordination for culture (IPO)
http://www.ipo.nl (Dutch only)
Professional associations
Dutch Knowledge Institute for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts (LKCA)
http://www.lkca.nl (Dutch only)
Grant-giving bodies
Co-production Fund National Public Broadcasting
Creative Industries Fund NL
Cultural Participation Fund
Dutch Foundation for Literature
Mondriaan Fund
The Netherlands Film Fund
Performing Art Fund NL
Press Stimulation Fund
Cultural research and statistics
Boekman Foundation
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
Social and cultural Planning Office (SCP)