There is a specific curriculum of arts education in the formal system of education in the CR and there also exist various forms of extracurricular arts activities. The methodology also provides room for the inclusion of elective educational subjects and courses that can be integrated into the teaching programme of other school subjects. In current international discussions about arts education curricula, the increasingly prevailing opinion is that students should have active and long-term exposure to and encounters with high-quality art that is balanced by direct experience with every branch of the arts, primarily within the framework of compulsory school attendance.... read more →
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If you are not happy with the results below please do another searchThe Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) is the primary body responsible for education in the arts in the CR. In conformity with the National Programme for the Development of Education in the Czech Republic from 2001 (the ‘White Book on Education’), Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on Preschool, Elementary, Secondary, Higher and Other Education establishes a multi-level system for the creation of educational programmes for educating children from the age of 3. Framework Education Programmes (FEPs) are formulated at the state level for individual types of education. Based on these FEPs and the rules established therein, individual schools each... read more →
There are initiatives in the CR that seek to promote participation in cultural life and different branches of Czech public administration (ministries, municipal authorities) support them in two ways: by establishing their own cultural organisations or through grant programmes. The CR is an advanced country in terms of its cultural infrastructure. It has a dense network of public libraries, and it is among the countries with the largest number of museums and galleries per 1000 inhabitants and those numbers continue to grow. The number of monuments that can be accessed by the public are on the rise, as are the... read more →
Currently local authorities are very active in conducting surveys on cultural activities and participation in culture. They use the information obtained from the surveys to develop local cultural policies. Another example are studies connected to specific cultural events on the local level, such as ‘Research on the Informedness, Attitudes, and Participation of the Residents of the City of Pilsen in the Project “Pilsen – European Culture Capital”’ (2015-2016, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen), which focused on cultural consumption in relation to Pilsen as a European Culture Capital in 2015. There are also studies that are conducted on the national... read more →
Professional arts organisations are founded mostly in the form of associations that are able to execute their own activities in the Czech Republic (CR). Some of them are supported by grants from the Ministry of Culture. The majority (except for writers' associations) are financed only on a project basis. The Czech Writers' Guild and some other associations in the field of literature are rarely financed on an annual basis. There is no special endowment instrument for their support in general and their survival is dependent on the contributions of their members. There are fifty different professional organisations in the CR... read more →
The Ministry of Culture hands out 17 awards each year, two-thirds of which are for artists. The State Award for Literature and the State Award for Translation amount to 300 000 CZK, which is not subject to taxation. The awards are precisely defined in the Government Regulation on Awards in the Area of Culture Announced by the MC No. 5/2003 Coll. New state awards that have emerged since 2015 include the ‘Knight of Czech Culture’ (Rytíř), ‘Dame of Czech Culture (Dáma), and ‘Patron of Czech Culture’ (Mecenáš). The title of Knight or Dame of Czech Culture is awarded to artists... read more →
The transformation of cultural funds to foundations occurred in 1993 and 1994; it was based on the Act on the Transformation of Cultural Funds, whereby they were denationalised. These included the Czech Literary Fund Foundation, the Czech Music Fund Foundation and the Czech Art Fund Foundation. Foundations obtain their money from estate yields (immovables), from donations and from sponsor subsidies. The Czech Literary Fund Foundation is currently one of the few alternatives for supporting new valuable works of original literature and translation, theatre, film, journalism, science, radio, television, and entertainment. The foundation allocates grants for publishing or creating non-commercial literature,... read more →
Creative work is indirectly supported in the field of film under the Programme of Support for the Film Industry (since 2010). Support for individual artists and cultural workers is very limited compared with the support for cultural institutions –the Ministry of Culture’s grant/tender competitions are usually open only to individuals who have a trade licence in the field of culture, or support is given indirectly, for instance in the form of a grant to support the publishing of literary works, where the grant applicant is a publishing house and a fee is then passed to the author. The only direct... read more →
In the CR are two types of contributory organisation: organisations established by the state and governed by Act No. 218/2000 Coll. on Budget Rules and on Changes to Some Related Acts as Amended; and organisations established by a regional authority in conformity with Act No. 250/2000 Coll. on the Budget Rules of Regional Budgets and Act No. 129/2000 Coll. on the Regions, as Amended, or organisations established by a town in conformity with Act No. 128/2000 Coll. on Municipalities as Amended. Czech public cultural institutions, and foremost among them the Association of Professional Theatres, has long been advocating for the... read more →
Data on cultural institutions are collected in statistical surveys by NIPOS, a state organisation. The most accurate data provided by statistical surveys are on the public sector. The information in Table 1 on the private sector had to be drawn from multiple sources given the considerable inaccuracy of data from statistical surveys on this sector. Archives in the CR are the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior, not the Ministry of Culture. Some data are not tracked at all – for example, the number of concert halls. On selected areas there are comprehensive overviews of the number of institutions... read more →