The main responsibility for the promotion of contemporary Cypriot culture is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Culture, through its Cultural Services. Nevertheless, a number of other public actors are involved in one way or another in cultural diplomacy, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Antiquities as well as a number of other bodies and cultural institutions (i.e. Theatre Cyprus Organisation, Cyprus Tourist Organisation, Cyprus Symphony Orchestra). In particular, the Ministry of Education and Culture apart from its overall activity operates three Cultural Centres in Athens, London and Berlin respectively. The House of Cyprus... read more →
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If you are not happy with the results below please do another searchDespite the fact that a number of Ministries are involved in certain aspects of cultural policy, there is not really a structured and concerted approach in dealing with cultural policy in a co-ordinated and integrated way. Thus, co-operation and co-ordination between different ministries is encountered on an ad hoc basis and does not attain any institutional structure. In this context, for example, there is a certain degree of co-operation between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in promoting Cypriot culture abroad and for developing certain cultural activities that relate to cultural diplomacy. Another example... read more →
As far as the political context is concerned, Cyprus has a presidential system of government. The President is elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term. Executive power is exercised through an 11-member Council of Ministers appointed by the President. The Legislative Power is carried out by the House of Representatives; Under the Constitution of Cyprus, the judiciary is established as a separate and autonomous power. Due to the limitations adherent to the political problem and the consequent Constitutional constraints since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, there had not been any kind of significant administrative reforms in terms... read more →
Contemporary cultural policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture is located within the Cultural Services Department. Cultural Education is primarily being developed in the Departments in charge of Education. A number of other Ministries are also involved in cultural policy (see chapter 1.2.6).
Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated at the far eastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea and is at the crossroads of three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa). Cyprus' historical and cultural tradition is very rich and dates back to the 7th millennium B.C. The arrival of the first Mycenaean Greeks on the island in the 15th century B.C. set the foundations for the development of the Greek civilisation on the island. Due to its unrivalled strategic location, Cyprus was subject to a number of conquerors and came under the influence of many different... read more →
The relationship between culture and civil society in Croatia has to be viewed on several levels: the first refers to the infrastructure of cultural and educational centres throughout the country and its changing role; the second is related to the long tradition of amateur arts and folk culture; the third refers to the impact that civil society organisations in contemporary arts and culture have (including the role of professional cultural organisations), and finally the role that the Kultura nova Foundation has in their development and the development of civil society in culture in general. Community (cultural and educational) centres are... read more →
Cities and municipalities finance programmes of local community cultural centres and public educational centres, which are the only venues for art and culture in many smaller cities. The network of these community cultural centres is fully decentralised and the level of their involvement in cultural life as well as their ability to organise and/or host cultural and artistic programmes varies greatly from one city to the other depending on their development level. The biggest network of community cultural centres exists in the City of Zagreb. New initiatives have been made to revitalise these centres, especially with the help of EU... read more →
The Bologna process brought a number of changes to the higher education system in Croatia that had an impact on arts education. A number of new art schools and art academies have been established; however, no research data on the impact of the changes is available. The number of arts academies (music, drama and fine arts) remains steady in the last decade, amounting to 6 art academies in four different cities in Croatia. At the University of Zagreb - Academy of Dramatic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, and Academy of Music; at the University of Osijek - Academy of Arts... read more →
Diversity education is implicitly part of general school curricula in Croatia and is mainly administered by the educational policy making bodies at the national level. Intercultural education is taken as an important element of school curricula in those areas which were occupied during the Homeland war and where there is a special need to build an inclusive education system. However, there are still divisions in these territories and the implementation of the minority educational programmes result in divided classrooms and pupils of Croatian and Serbian nationalities in cities such as Vukovar. Although this is an implementation of the national minority... read more →
According to the National plan for primary schools, arts education is part of obligatory curricula during all eight years of primary school – 35 hours per year (special double hour sessions); music education is obligatory during all eight years of primary school – also 35 hours per year. Looking at the total number of hours of arts education, according to selected research data, this puts Croatia among European countries with the lowest number of hours dedicated to this field (Levačić, 2017), which prompts questions on the need for change in the curriculum related to the arts. General, linguistic and classical... read more →